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Prentice Hall Small Scale Lab Answers
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Chemistry Small Scale Labe Manual Student Edition
SMQA poses some problems but we collect that waste separately and handle it as detailed in " Attachment A ". We have rewritten this laboratory to eliminate use of mercury and chromium which pose special disposal problems. Much of our solutions are recycled since the pipets do not normally become contaminated and the remaining solutions in them can be re-used. Solid waste: Paper, straws, thin stem pipets, etc. Summary and Observations: My role as Laboratory Coordinator here at FRCC includes overseeing the set-up and break-down of a large number of biology, anatomy and physiology, and microbiology laboratories, in addition to our chemistry laboratories. As such, the ease of preparation and clean-up for the Small Scale Chemistry classes is greatly appreciated. The costs are well-within our budget, many of the solutions are stable for a long period of time and can be stored in the pipets which the students use.
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Further, the waste generated is mostly minimal and easily dealt with. The materials do not take up too much room, another positive aspect in a busy prep room with less than ample storage space. We have utilized Small Scale Chemistry for a number of years and with dozens of instructors and hundreds of students and have found that the students have an enjoyable and motivating learning experience. One of our college-wide goals is to be a "Learner-Centered" institution and Small Scale Chemistry ably rises to this endeavor. Students learn by doing and this program is designed to accommodate this goal. A complete breakdown of costs per item are delineated in the report in Microsoft Excel format by Ms. Lynne Judish. Many of the supplies are obtained from her distributorship "Small-Scale Science Supplies" and the rest are obtainable from well-know sources such as Fisher Scientific and VWR which provide us with State of Colorado contract pricing. Repeat Step 1 at least twice or until no new solids are formed.
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Remaining liquid waste will contain less than ppb concentrations of all metal ions. Nominal percentages by mass assuming an equimolar mixture for each metal hydroxide in the metal hydroxide mixture are shown below.
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Small Scale Lab Manual
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