Friday, April 9, 2021

Unit 7 Review Answers

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    The four were either recipients or originators of all but 66 of the 1, emails, with most of the remainder of the emails being sent from mailing lists. A few other emails were sent by, or to, other staff at the CRU. Jones, Briffa, Osborn and Hulme...

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    Concerns about the media's role in promoting early allegations while also minimising later coverage exonerating the scientists were raised by journalists and policy experts. Historian Spencer R. Weart of the American Institute of Physics said the...

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    Nature considered that emails had not shown anything that undermined the scientific case on human-caused global warming or raised any substantive reasons for concern about the researchers' own papers. The AP said that the "[e]-mails stolen from climate scientists show they stonewalled sceptics and discussed hiding data". He is a valued and important scientist. The review would also scrutinise the CRU's policies and practices for "acquiring, assembling, subjecting to peer review, and disseminating data and research findings" and "their compliance or otherwise with best scientific practice". In addition, the investigation would review CRU's compliance with Freedom of Information Act requests and also "make recommendations about the management, governance and security structures for CRU and the security, integrity and release of the data it holds".

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    The panel did not seek to evaluate the science itself, but rather whether "the conclusions [reached by the CRU] represented an honest and scientifically justified interpretation of the data". The university consulted with the Royal Society in establishing the panel. It started its work in March and released its report on 14 April During its inquiry, the panel examined eleven representative CRU publications, selected with advice from the Royal Society , that spanned a period of over 20 years, as well as other CRU research materials. It also spent fifteen person-days at the UEA carrying out interviews with scientists. Michael Mann , director of Pennsylvania State University 's Earth System Science Center, said that sceptics were "taking these words totally out of context to make something trivial appear nefarious" [19] and called the entire incident a careful, "high-level, orchestrated smear campaign to distract the public about the nature of the climate change problem".

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    Trenberth of the National Center for Atmospheric Research said that he was appalled at the release of the emails but thought that it might backfire against climate sceptics, as the messages would show "the integrity of scientists". Accusations of data distortion or faking are baseless. I can rebut and explain all of the apparently incriminating e-mails that I have looked at, but it is going to be very time consuming to do so. So this is a worse manifestation but it's happened before so it's not that surprising. The conspiracy theorists may be having a field day, but if they really knew academia they would also know that every published paper and data set is continually put through the wringer by other independent research groups.

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    The information that makes it into the IPCC reports is some of the most rigorously tested and debated in any area of science. It represents a whole new escalation in the war on climate scientists who are only trying to get at the truth What next? Deliberate monkeying with data on servers? Insertion of bugs into climate models? Andrew Pitman of the University of New South Wales commented: "The major problem is that scientists have to be able to communicate their science without fear or favour and there seems to be a well-orchestrated campaign designed to intimidate some scientists. Michaels , who was criticised in the emails and who has long faulted evidence pointing to human-driven warming, said: "This is not a smoking gun; this is a mushroom cloud". He said that some emails showed an effort to block the release of data for independent review and that some messages discussed discrediting him by stating that he knew his research was wrong in his doctoral dissertation, "This shows these are people willing to bend rules and go after other people's reputations in very serious ways.

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    She hoped that the affair would change the approach of scientists to providing their data to the public and their response to criticisms of their work. She had herself learned to be careful about what to put in emails when a "disgruntled employee" made a freedom of information request. Mann described these comments as "somewhat naive" considering that in recent years scientists had become much more open with their data. He said that sceptics "will always complain about something else, want something more. Eventually, as we see, they've found a way to get access to private communications between scientists. They were already working with the Met Office to obtain permissions to release the remaining raw data.

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    The statement said that the "internal consistency from multiple lines of evidence strongly supports the work of the scientific community, including those individuals singled out in these email exchanges". They pointed to the breadth of evidence for human influence on climate, stating: [75] For climate change research, the body of research in the literature is very large and the dependence on any one set of research results to the comprehensive understanding of the climate system is very, very small.

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    Even if some of the charges of improper behavior in this particular case turn out to be true—which is not yet clearly the case—the impact on the science of climate change would be very limited. The American Geophysical Union issued a statement that they found "it offensive that these emails were obtained by illegal cyber attacks and they are being exploited to distort the scientific debate about the urgent issue of climate change". They reaffirmed their position statement on climate change "based on the large body of scientific evidence that Earth's climate is warming and that human activity is a contributing factor. Nothing in the University of East Anglia hacked e-mails represents a significant challenge to that body of scientific evidence. Scientific integrity demands robust, independent peer review, however, and AAAS therefore emphasised that investigations are appropriate whenever significant questions are raised regarding the transparency and rigour of the scientific method, the peer-review process, or the responsibility of individual scientists.

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    The responsible institutions are mounting such investigations. It is fair and appropriate to pursue answers to any allegations of impropriety. We have every confidence in the science and the various datasets we use. The peer-review process is as robust as it could possibly be. In a series of emails sent through a National Academy of Sciences NAS listserv , apparently forwarded outside the group by an unknown person, scientists discussing the "Climategate" fallout considered launching advertising campaigns, widening their public presence, pushing the NAS to take a more active role in explaining climate science and creating a nonprofit to serve as a voice for the scientific community. Merton , and Roger Pielke Jr. Sources for the paper were chosen for accessibility, emphasising "critical accounts". Climate scientists and organisations pledged to improve scientific research and collaboration with other researchers by improving data management and opening up access to data, and to honour any freedom of information requests that relate to climate science.

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    They included submissions from the University of East Anglia , the Global Warming Policy Foundation , the Institute of Physics , the Royal Society of Chemistry , the Met Office , several other professional bodies, prominent scientists, some climate change sceptics, several MEPs and other interested parties. The emails and claims raised in the controversy did not challenge the scientific consensus that "global warming is happening and that it is induced by human activity". The MPs had seen no evidence to support claims that Jones had tampered with data or interfered with the peer-review process. It said that "even if the data that CRU used were not publicly available—which they mostly are—or the methods not published—which they have been—its published results would still be credible: the results from CRU agree with those drawn from other international data sets; in other words, the analyses have been repeated and the conclusions have been verified.

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    Jones had admitted sending "awful emails"; Willis commented that "[Jones] probably wishes that emails were never invented," but "apart from that we do believe that Prof. Jones has in many ways been scapegoated as a result of what really was a frustration on his part that people were asking for information purely to undermine his research. He was certainly not co-operative with those seeking to get data, but that was true of all the climate scientists". The CRU was found to be "objective and dispassionate in their view of the data and their results, and there was no hint of tailoring results to a particular agenda.

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    Mann , saying that the hockey stick graph it showed was a genuine effect, but he had an "uneasy feeling" about the use of "inappropriate statistical tools" and said that the study had exaggerated the effect. He commended McIntyre for pointing out this issue. Mann subsequently told The Guardian that the study had been examined and approved in the US National Academies of Science North Report , and described Hand's comment as a "rogue opinion" not meriting "much attention or credence".

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    Describing its report as "hugely positive", he stated that "it is especially important that, despite a deluge of allegations and smears against the CRU, this independent group of utterly reputable scientists have concluded that there was no evidence of any scientific malpractice. Phil Willis described this a "sleight of hand" and was not what the Parliamentary Committee he had chaired had been led to believe. There were also questions about the selection of publications examined by the panel. This was their concern. They really wanted something within a month. There was no way our panel could evaluate the science. Mann , in particular looking at anything that had not already been addressed in the North Report review by the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences which had investigated Mann's " hockey stick graph " studies and found some faults with his methodology but agreed with the results which had been reaffirmed by later studies using different methods.

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    The committee did not make a definitive finding on the final point of inquiry — "whether Dr Mann seriously deviated from accepted practices within the academic community for proposing, conducting, or reporting research or other scholarly activities". Mann did not engage in, nor did he participate in, directly or indirectly, any actions that seriously deviated from accepted practices within the academic community. It said that his success in proposing research and obtaining funding for it, commenting that this "clearly places Dr Mann among the most respected scientists in his field. Such success would not have been possible had he not met or exceeded the highest standards of his profession for proposing research. And I don't think [Jones] did either. The "rigour and honesty" of the scientists at the Climatic Research Unit were found not to be in doubt. Petitions to reconsider this were raised by the states of Virginia and Texas , conservative activists and business groups including the United States Chamber of Commerce , the Competitive Enterprise Institute and the coal company Peabody Energy , making claims that the CRU emails undermined the science.

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    Jackson said the petitions were based "on selectively edited, out-of-context data and a manufactured controversy" and provided "no evidence to undermine our determination. Excess greenhouse gases are a threat to our health and welfare. The media coverage after the emails were released was based on email statements quoted out of context and on unsubstantiated theories of conspiracy. The CRU emails do not show either that the science is flawed or that the scientific process has been compromised.

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    EPA carefully reviewed the CRU emails and found no indication of improper data manipulation or misrepresentation of results.

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    Among the greatest inventions of the past are the automobile, the steam engine, the electricity, the telephone and television. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Quiz yourself with these challenging practice questions. Which of the following most likely resulted from the policy described in the passage above? Unit 1 progress check mcq part a ap statistics answers. Unit 6 Study Guide. Which of the following factors was most responsible for creating the conditions depicted in the photograph above? Labor strikes which disrupted society following World War I, The cartoon above is best understood in the context of. The principles championed by President Roosevelt in the speech above directly challenged the. The dominant American role in the Allied victory and postwar peace settlements following World War II, The experience described in the excerpt above was an example of.

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    What factor most influenced "the tendency for expansion" noted in Zinn's passage above? In the early s, which of the following groups most supported the political changes described in the excerpt above? Who of the following would most strongly support the sentiments in these headlines? Which of the following events in the late 19th and early 20th centuries resulted from the idea described in the passage above? The painting above best supports which of the following assertions? Anyone want to help score my practice essay? Which of the following early 20th-century cultural conflicts most directly contradicted the scene portrayed in the image above? The defense of humanitarian and democratic principles, The approach Franklin Roosevelt outlines in the speech above is most consistent with the previous efforts of. America played a dominant role in the Allied victory and postwar peace settlements.

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    The acquisition of island territories by the United States. The Great Depression had been brought to an end by full employment. Episodes of credit and market instability, In response to the conditions depicted in the photograph above, many American families, The reforms described in the excerpt above were most directly a response to. American Indians in the latter half of the 19th century, One consequence of the change in Americans' attitudes toward Germany and Japan described in the excerpt above was.

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    Rated: 8. Each of the groups has four modes within them and while some of the modes in the same groups may be similar to each other, none of them are overly similar. We documented this in the full review of Plus The device is dual channel which means you can treat two body parts or for example, both sides of the back at the same time. We were never found wanting for any more.

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    You get an amazing 20 hours of battery life. We found the unit to be simple and easy to use, with no unnecessary controls. The default treatment time is 20 minutes, and can be increased with just a push of the T key. After the session is complete the unit automatically switches itself off to preserve that splendid battery. Another feature that impressed us immensely was the screen. Plus 24 offers superb bang for the buck, making it a popular choice for those wanting a feature-rich device without having to make a larger investment. The update to this device, the TechCare Touch X does offer a touchscreen and a few great additional features, if you want to spend a little more for some handy extras. Could it be improved? PowerDot 2. Innovative PowerDot app technology then takes that information and, using a proprietary algorithm, creates a program specially designed to relieve your pain.

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    We found the app so easy to use. The layout is logical and you can connect to your electrodes quickly. You can track your progress on different areas of your body, see exactly how your pain is progressing, and the impact and changes to your daily life. It updates in the same way your other apps do and gives your device regular new features. Each time a new function is released, such as the innovative Long Haul Flight mode , you have access to it as soon as the app is updated. With each app update, we felt like we were getting a new device!

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    Stick the electrodes and pods on before you board and choose your flight duration from 4 up to 17 hours. Your phone is your controller, so you always have that with you. Buying a TENS machine is relatively easy, but learning how to use it and get the most from it is much harder. PowerDot offer excellent guidance on how to use their device, both within the app and on their YouTube channel. We watched tons of their step-by-step videos, learning exactly how to position the electrodes for the area we were targeting. Videos are insightful without being overcomplicated, helping you become a bit of a TENS expert! The Duo version ships with two pods and two sets of electrode pads , as well as a micro USB charging cable so you have everything you need to get started.

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    Finance options are available on their website , allowing you to spread the cost over a number of months, just select their finance partner Affirm at checkout. Are there any downsides? Also, you have the ability to use a maximum of two sets of pods and pads. Remember to always seek medical advice about pad placement. However PowerDot makes that decision for you based on the information you input. But… Because PowerDot has the capability to update their app this is something they could easily add in the future. We initially viewed PowerDot as a product predominantly for athletes.

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    Yet such exciting new TENS features make it an impressive new entry in to this space — PowerDot have certainly shaken things up! You also get one feature that you only get on our much higher priced top pick! This allows you to use individual styles of treatment on different areas of your body. Experiment with 20 modes, try kneading on one channel, with the hammering option selected on the other. You also get 20 levels of intensity, which again you can control independently on each channel. It ships with pads in a range of different sizes. Choose between a small and larger size, with the small size ideal for areas that can be trickier to treat such as your knees and elbows. The Auvon device is a really dinky size, and many purchasers of the unit worried if it could still pack a punch. However after just one use, they were impressed with the power it could deliver.

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    Plus with a rechargeable battery, you can get up to 10 hours of continuous use. When you read reviews of TENS machines, people always have mixed opinions on the pads supplied, however not with this device. Auvon pride themselves on supplying pads that can be used up to 30 times, with many users reporting that they actually lasted much longer. One of the TENS modes has been created for those with arthritis. With 25 different intensity levels, you have the high level of flexibility you can always rely on with iReliev products. Plus some great accessories: Shipping with a USB and mains charger, different sized electrodes, belt clip and tote bag to store everything away. If your love our number one pick , but want to spend a little less, then this is a great alternative from iReliev without the wireless features.

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    Users experimenting with the device loved how easy it was to operate. They also appreciated being able to enjoy a 60 minute session without any annoying 15 minute limitations. Another great machine from TechCare, it combines all the best features of our budget pick , the TechCare Plus 24 , in a more contemporary package. Enjoy 24 massage modes, 20 levels of intensity and dual channels to treat different areas of your body at the same time.

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    Plus, like its predecessor, the rechargeable battery gives you up to 20 hours of battery life. So what extras do you get compared to the TechCare Plus 24? Intensity buttons on the side of the device allow you to increase and decrease power with ease.

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    Essential Vocabulary: scarcity, supply, demand, wants, needs, opportunity costs, factors of production, Adam Smith, labor unions, taxes, human capital, sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, franchise, stock market, circular flow of the economy, equilibrium, shortage, surplus, product market, factor market, invisible hand, incentives, limited liability, unlimited liability, division of labor, specialization, fixed costs, variable costs, laissez-faire, business cycle, trade off, competition, profit, land, labor, capital, entrepreneurship, assembly line, traditional economy, command economy, market economy, mixed economy Economics Needs vs. Renewable vs. White collar workers Wage vs. Command Economy: The central government makes all decisions on the production and consumption of goods and service Market Economy: All economic decisions are made by individuals the US has a market economy Mixed Economy: Economic systems that combine characteristics of more than one type of economy.

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    What is the fundamental economic problem? List the four factors of production. Explain the difference between physical capital and human capital. Human capital: job training, education Physical capital: non-human resources like — money, building, machines 4. What factor of production is each of the following? If capital tell what kind of capital A. Dre, Usher, Mrs. Fields, Famous Amos, David Beckham] 5. What types of workers are typically paid a wage and perform manual labor? Blue collar worker 6. Doctors and lawyers would be an example of what type of worker? White collar worker 7. Jan wants to go out to eat with her friends but she also needs to study for a test. Jan decides to stay home and study.

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    Going out and eating with friends 8. We discussed the example of guns and butter in class. Why can a society not produce all of the guns and all of the butter that it desires? Resources are scarce — societies must make choices with what they have for resources 9. If one thinks about the benefits of using one more unit, what is this called?

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    Marginal product of labor What is the degree to which resources are being used efficiently to produce goods and services? Productivity Production Possibilities Curve What term do we use to describe using fewer resources than an economy is capable of using? Underutilization In what ways could an economy increase their productivity and promote economic growth?

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    Increase effective workers, improve efficiency An assembly line is an example of breaking down labor into smaller parts to increase productivity. What term describes this? Division of Labor Ben owns a pizza shop. He is trying to decide if he should open his store on Thursday evenings. Tell what kind of costs each of the following will be. Wages to pay workers -- variable cost B. Mortgage payment for the building -- fixed cost C. The money earned by opening the pizza shop one additional day. The additional cost of opening the store on Thursday evenings. What major work, written by economist Adam Smith, provides the foundation for a free-market economic system? Wealth of Nations — A. Adam Smith introduced what concept that depicts that the market will regulate itself? What economic philosophy means that the government should generally not intervene in a market economy? Invisible Hand What term describes that the consumer decides what goods are available in the market?

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    Consumer Sovereignty What characteristic of a market economy means that sellers work to gain consumer business by lowering prices or offering advantages to buying their product? Competition Related documents.

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